I’ve always told my kids, I am not a super-mom, so don’t expect too much from me. However, when it comes to the best camp care packages, I like to wear a cape. I’m one of those moms that are cheering and jumping for joy once the camp busses roll out; no tears for me! Though I do spend some time thinking about what care packages I can send my kids to make them feel special while away. I like to be creative, but not over the top. I also like to send at least one care package that my kids can do with their cabin mates or friends.
Camp care packages should not cause stress. I repeat, no need for stress here! It helps if you plan ahead. The first rule of thumb for sending camp care packages… know your camp rules and what they allow or don’t allow to be sent! Nothing is worse than sending your child a care package, and the box not getting there after all that hard work.
Next, decide how many care packages you want to send and how often you want to send them. Remember, these should not cause stress. Do what is comfortable and realistic for you. I try to aim for 1 care package per week (that might be a little overzealous, but after all, I am a camp package super-mom).
Choosing what goes in the care package really depends on your child. What are they into? What will entertain them? What will put a smile on their face? Like I said earlier, when it comes to camp care packages, I like to wear the super-mom cape. Whether you are sending a care package for just your child or a special surprise for the whole cabin, I’ve got you covered. Check out some ideas below.

Spa: nail polish, face masks (not the kind you are thinking of, the spa kind) for the entire cabin, back massagers, lip gloss, body markers, tattoos
Art: paper airplanes, chalk, face paints, friendship bracelet making kits, sketching paper & pencils, coloring books, journal, cabin decorations like streamers & wall banners, pillowcases and fabric markers for the cabin and stickers

Clothing: cozy socks, socks with your pet on them, hats, camp regalia, matching sunglasses for cabin, feather boas for the cabin, Hawaiian shirts, and pajamas
Fun & Games: a deck of cards, Madlibs, conversation starter pack, pick up sticks, Uno, Farkle, water balloons, several bottles of shaving cream for a shaving cream fight, Magic 8 Ball, Cats Cradle, magic tricks, whoopie cushion, camp word find, Rubik’s Cube

Sports: yoyo, frisbee, bouncy ball, extra-long jump rope
Misc: stuffed animal, disposable camera, party noise makers, silly putty, glow in the dark anything, comic book, joke book, would you ever book…really any book your child will read
Food: Kids want it, but don’t do it. Food allergies, camp rules, dietary restrictions, etc. Best to stay away from this category altogether
One of the best parts of going to camp is receiving mail and packages from family. It helps remind your kids that you love them dearly and wish them the best summer ever. Pick one or several of these items for your camp care package and it is sure to put a smile on your child’s face and make you feel like a super-mom, even if it’s only for the day.
Don’t even know what camp you’re looking for? Check out these awesome options here.