Summer Camp for children in 2020 was challenging, but what do we need to think out before sending our kids to camp. We can’t wait to see kids frolicking, singing songs altogether at a campfire, sitting next to each other on a bus, and all lumped together during an overnight. That day seems like it is coming closer, but here is what we need to know before Summer 2021.
In order to find the camp that meets your Covid prevention comfort level, it is ok to ask the camp or activity what they are doing to help stop the spread. Be open and honest about your concerns, it will help everyone when you practice personal responsibility with your family!

- How prepared is the staff?
- Are masks mandatory?
- Does the camp make sure kids and counselors practice social distancing?
- Are people vaccinated (if available)?
- What is the exposure and quarantine protocol?
- What is the indoor ventilation quality?
- Will counselors and staff tested regularly?
It’s also important to remember for those that do get vaccinated, to maintain all Covid prevention procedures! Not just for the optics with the other kids and counselors maintaining the overall safety of everyone by example, it’s also because when vaccinated viruses can still hitch a ride on anyone.
While we are thrilled to be able to bring you the best of Summer ’21, and we want to make sure that everyone is looking out for the health and welfare of everyone around them. We have linked the CDC guidelines for Summer Camp here, so be sure to dig around and check things out. Summer is on the horizon, Covid is on the way out, and we just need to stay safe for Summer ’21 while the vaccine rolls out! Summer Fun is what we are all about and we can’t wait to hear about all the amazing experiences everyone has in this crazy time!
Wishing you a happy and Safe Summer 21
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